Replacing Hydraulic Cylinder Filters

Hydraulic fluid contamination is the top cause of hydraulic cylinder failure. Contamination can cause seal damage, component degradation, and other critical damage. Knowing how and when to change hydraulic filters will save you time, money, and stress, as oil filters are the most efficient way to remove dirt, particles, or other contaminants from your hydraulic …

The Differences Between Hydraulic and Pneumatic Cylinders

Hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders share similar purposes, functions, and components, which can often lead to confusion about their differences and how to choose the right model for a project. After all, both hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders exert force to create a desired motion. However, while these units result in comparable outcomes, there are many differences …

Why a Custom Hydraulic Cylinder is Right for You

With advanced technological software and enhanced engineering capabilities, custom hydraulic cylinders may be the best option for your mobile and industrial machinery needs. While standard cylinders can accommodate most needs, there often remain issues not addressed with standard cylinders. Design and engineering factor into how well your hydraulics can adapt and perform reliably. Custom hydraulic …

Hydraulic Cylinder Mounts

Choosing the right hydraulic cylinder for your application needs remains a focal point for hydraulic cylinder design and manufacturing. However, selecting the correct hydraulic cylinder mount can minimize accelerated wear and tear in addition to keeping your cylinder running at optimal performance levels. Stability and strength provided by cylinder mounts can also aid in preventing …

How to Choose the Right Hydraulic Cylinder

You know you need a different or new hydraulic cylinder. But where do you begin? Choosing the right hydraulic cylinder requires knowing what type of cylinder is best suited for your application requirements. It also requires understanding the size and operating factors necessary for optimal performance. Choose the Right Hydraulic Cylinder that Meets Your Needs …

The Differences between Standard and Custom-Made Hydraulic Cylinders

The decision to purchase a standard, off-the-shelf hydraulic cylinder or design a custom-made hydraulic cylinder largely depends on your specification requirements and application needs. Off-the-shelf hydraulic cylinders are usually in-stock and ready to ship, making them a quick fix if your hydraulic system has failed to the point of no return. Custom hydraulic cylinders offer …

Choosing a Custom Hydraulic Cylinder Manufacturer

Designing a custom hydraulic cylinder may seem like a daunting task, but with the right engineering team, you can create a hydraulic cylinder that can meet your application’s demands. Standard, general-use hydraulic cylinders are manufactured to be multi-purpose. While they may be constructed with decent materials, they may not be able to withstand the daily …

Build to Order: Benton Harbor Engineering & United Hydraulics

Hydraulic Cylinders Inc. offers direct replacement hydraulic cylinders for both Benton Harbor Engineering & United Hydraulics. The product line includes thousands of hydraulic cylinders and service parts. If you need a replacement cylinder or a service part from either of these former hydraulic cylinder manufacturers, Hydraulic Cylinders Inc. is your premium source. This means we …

Global Shield – Breathing Life Into Aging Cylinders

Global concerns about hazardous “coating difference” material is on the rise.  Manufacturers are searching for an affordable, alternative, corrosion-resistant technology that exceeds the performance of Engineered Hard Chrome (EHC) or Nitride (Ni) while matching or exceeding alternative high performance coatings. Parker Hannifin Corporation’s Global Shield coating is a highly engineered proprietary technology that has the …