The Differences Between Single-Acting and Double-Acting Hydraulic Cylinders

Published: February 17, 2021 Last Updated: March 24, 2025 How To Series ,

Single and Double Acting Cylinders

For powerful industrial heavy lifting, hydraulic cylinders provide the reliable, unidirectional force your equipment needs. However, not all cylinders are created equal. Telescopic hydraulic cylinders are divided into two categories: single-acting and double-acting. Understanding the differences between these styles is key to helping you determine which cylinder is right for your hydraulic needs.

In this blog, we explore the differences between single-acting cylinders and double-acting cylinders. Find out what sets these models apart, learn about their various benefits, and make sure you know which style is best for your applications.

What Are Single and Double-Acting Hydraulic Cylinders?

The main difference between a single-acting cylinder and a double-acting cylinder is how the cylinder returns to its original position. These cylinders get their names (“single” and “double”) from their hydraulics-controlled actions.

A single-acting hydraulic cylinder uses hydraulic pressure to extend its piston in one direction. Then, these cylinders rely on a spring, gravity, and the weight of the load to restore the piston. Single-acting cylinders are designed for simplicity and are best for straightforward projects or applications.

On the other hand, a double-acting hydraulic cylinder uses hydraulic fluid and pressure for both extension and retraction. This gives these cylinders greater control over both extension and retraction, as they rely strictly on hydraulic pressure instead of load weight and gravity. Double-acting cylinders are better for applications requiring fast and consistent operations.

Advantages of Single and Double-Acting Cylinders

Single-Acting Hydraulic Cylinders

There are several benefits of using single-acting cylinders for hydraulic applications:

  • Simplistic and easy-to-understand design
  • Compact and space-saving build
  • Cost-effective
  • Ideal for mobile equipment

Straightforward designs and simple operations reduce the chance of mechanical failures and minimize maintenance costs. These cylinders are easy to install and operate, making them excellent for a wide range of industrial or commercial hydraulic operations.

Double-Acting Hydraulic Cylinders

While more expensive than their single-acting counterparts, double-acting cylinders offer many advantages:

  • Increased versatility
  • Higher acceleration and speed control
  • Consistent operational performance
  • Applied force in both directions

Double-acting cylinders ensure powerful yet controlled hydraulic action for both extension and retraction. These cylinders provide greater efficiency and precision while increasing operational speed, making them excellent for various heavy-duty industrial applications.

Applications and Uses for Single-Acting and Double-Acting Cylinders

While single-acting and double-acting hydraulic cylinders can sometimes be used for similar applications, their unique designs offer distinct advantages that make one style more appropriate than the other for specific operations. Using the right style of cylinder for a project ensures maximum efficiency and performance.

Single-acting cylinders are best for simple jobs and are popular for manufacturing, agriculture, or light industrial applications. They can be used for equipment ranging from dump trucks to vacuum bodies and more. These cylinders are well-suited for machines and equipment that:

  • Move loads in one direction
  • Lift or press objects
  • Clamp workpieces with jaws

Meanwhile, double-acting hydraulic cylinders are designed to offer everything that a single-acting model does and more. Higher power, precision, and speed make these cylinders popular for construction equipment, intense manufacturing, and oil and gas operations. These cylinders are ideal for heavy-duty projects, such as:

  • Elevators
  • Forklifts
  • Robotic arms
  • Conveyor belts

Considerations and Comparisons of Single and Double-Acting Hydraulic Cylinders

When choosing between single-acting and double-acting cylinders, remember these key factors and differences:

  • Double-acting cylinders are more complex than single-acting cylinders.
  • Single-acting models provide robust, single-direction heavy-duty lifting.
  • Double-acting cylinders offer higher precision and increased flexibility.
  • Single-acting cylinders rely on gravity and load weight to retract.

Be sure to fully understand your operations and the needs of your equipment before selecting a single-acting hydraulic cylinder or a double-acting hydraulic cylinder.

Get Your Single and Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinders from Hydraulic Cylinders, Inc.

Need help choosing between a single or double-acting cylinder? Our hydraulic cylinder experts can help you find the right model for your needs.

Know what you need? Check out our replacement telescopic hydraulic cylinders. We stock a wide selection of cylinders well-suited for a variety of mobile equipment types and functions. We also manufacture custom telescopic cylinders built to your specifications.

Contact us for more information. Request a quote to start your order today!

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